The Library of Congress has included the website of the project KARAGODIN Investigation in its online catalog

In Russian

The Library of Congress has included the website of the project KARAGODIN Investigation in its online catalog as a source of historical significance, which was created digitally and has never been printed on paper!


The Russia Guy: E125: Matthew LUXMOORE on Denis KARAGODIN’s crusade in Tomsk

В подкасте 🎤 The Russia Guy (автора Kevin ROTHROCK) вышел эпизод с Matthew LUXMOORE, посвященный “Расследованию КАРАГОДИНА“.

Хорошая интересная беседа. Рекомендуем!

The Russia Guy

E125: Matthew LUXMOORE on Denis KARAGODIN’s crusade in Tomsk

– “Matthew LUXMOORE, a Moscow-based correspondent for RFE/RL, discusses his March 2021 article about an amateur researcher in Tomsk named Denis KARAGODIN who’s spent the better part of a decade compiling archival documents about the execution of his great-grandfather in 1938 by officers in the NKVD. Earlier this year, the local authorities reportedly started building a criminal case against KARAGODIN on defamation charges filed by the relatives of some of his grandfather’s supposed executioners.”


Сhapter markers

  • 2:17 What did Matt ask Denis KARAGODIN?
  • 6:51 Does it take a professional historian to do this archival work?
  • 9:37 STALIN’s Terror vs. U.S. slavery
  • 11:09 Public opinion about KARAGODIN’s campaign
  • 15:39 Framing KARAGODIN’s archival work as political activism
  • 17:53 Privacy as a political weapon
  • 22:45 Should historians start fearing criminal prosecution in Russia?
  • 24:07 Placing the Kremlin in all this


The Washington Post вышла с большой статьей о Расследовании КАРАГОДИНА

Ведущая североамериканская газета “The Washington Post” вышла с большой статьей о “Расследовании КАРАГОДИНА“.

The Washington Post

Статья: “He spent years uncovering the Stalin-era execution of his great grandfather. Lawsuits seek to bury the evidence.

Текст вышел как на сайте издания, так и в его бумажной версии!

Автор – Robyn DIXON, лично посетила город Томск (в начале апреля) и взяла почти трех-часовое интервью у Дениса КАРАГОДИНА – руководителя следственной группы “Расследование КАРАГОДИНА”.

Пара прямых цитат:

The Washington Post

He spent years uncovering the Stalin-era execution of his great grandfather. Lawsuits seek to bury the evidence.” – [May 9, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. GMT+7] by Robyn DIXON (Moscow bureau chief) – The Washington Post.

“<…> Karagodin, who is working on a doctoral thesis when not researching, is facing two legal cases seeking to shut down, a sprawling online museum recounting his discoveries, full of documents, fascinating historical tangents — and a tab with the heading “murderers.”<…>”

“If Karagodin is sanctioned by the courts, it would mark another ominous turn as Russian security chiefs tighten their grip and Putin cracks down on activists, journalists and opponents such as jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny.

Karagodin’s efforts for justice and transparency also offer a template for others to follow — provided they have the energy and time to overcome bureaucratic resistance. <…>”

“There’s been a murder,” he told the FSB major, asking to see the archive. The major, surprised, countered: “Write a request. <…>”

“Karagodin is planning a podcast to drum up public pressure.”


Американский “The New Yorker” рассказал о “Расследовании КАРАГОДИНА”

Один из ведущих американских интеллектуальных журналов “The New Yorker” вышел со статьёй, рассказывающей о “Расследовании КАРАГОДИНА“:

“In the Siberian city of Tomsk, a man who has been researching the circumstances of his great-grandfather’s execution during Stalin’s Great Terror has been accused of defamation, by the son of a deceased executioner.) If a person whose name has supposedly been tarnished is long dead, the notion of defamation may seem absurd as a legal matter. But it represents the core of the memory wars: the current generation feels implicated in the crimes of its forebears, precisely because the ruling parties’ politics in both countries are the politics of the past.”

Источник: “The Historians Under Attack for Exploring Poland’s Role in the Holocaust” by Masha Gessen, 26.04.2021, – The New Yorker.

В статье упоминается эпизод расследования, когда сын сотрудника НКВД, принимавшего участие в массовых убийствах советских граждан в 1937-1938 годах, обвинил нас в дискредитации имени своего отца.

Сын сотрудника Новосибирского НКВД подал заявление в полицию на руководителя следственной группы “Расследование КАРАГОДИНАДениса КАРАГОДИНА, обвиняя его в якобы дискредитации имени своего отца.

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The act of civil consent and reconciliation

The act of civil consent and reconciliation

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Внучка палача попросила прощения у правнука убитого им человека. Правнук в ответ протянул руку примирения и предложил “обнулить” ситуацию, полагая покончить, тем самым, с этой бесконечной российской гражданской войной.

KARAGODIN Investigation


On the night of November 19-20, 2016, we received a letter from ZYORYANOV‘s granddaughter Nikolai Ivanovich, the executioner of the Tomsk City Department of the NKVD who killed KARAGODIN Stepan Ivanovich, and at least 35 people more on January 21, 1938 in the city of Tomsk.

In her letter, Julia (the name is used with her permission) reported that she learned about who her grandfather was only from our publication, which cast her into the deepest shock. Trying to recover from the devastating news, she began to study the materials of the site of the INVESTIGATION in details, but after reading our third publication (see the second), she could not stand it and wrote a letter to us.
